Sunday, September 5, 2010


One of my favorite foods is ramen.  Ramen is very popular in Korea too, however, their tastes are totally different.  Ramens in Korea are mostly spicy but not in Japan.  People can taste various types of ramen such as soyu ramen, miso ramen, curry ramen, and so on.  Among them, I like soyu ramen the most.  The taste of soup is very thick and people also can enjoy several slices of tender pork.  There are many places that people can have japanese ramen in Korea, but I really want to try these in the home of ramen, Japan.


  1. Ramen is one of my favorite foods too! :)
    I haven't tried Japanese ramen in the US yet. Do you know anywhere great? -yl

  2. こんにちは。わたしはアレックスです。わたしはコロンビヤだいがくのがくせいです。わたしも拉麵がすきです。わたしはきのニューヨークのIppudo Ramen (near Astor Place)へいきました。おいしいでした!Definitely worth going, but the waits can get over an hour long.

  3. The only kind of ramen I've had is the 33 cent kind...does real ramen taste anything like it? And if Korean and Japanese ramen are so different, what's similar about them? Do they both have the same long skinny noodles?
